What the guy wearing the president costume and his enablers did
to Mitt Romney was disgraceful and they would all be ashamed, if they had souls.
Ninety-five percent of the campaign smears perpetrated against Romney were lies
and the other 5% that may have been based in reality were exaggerated right through
reality and out the other side! They were the most vile and nasty lies ever, in
any election, this country has seen. The Romney that the liberal machine and
media created for Obama was a fictional character that is out of touch with the
base voting bloc; it was this Romney that was sold to the ignorant masses. Romney
and his family certainly didn’t deserve to be treated in this manner for being
passionate and choosing to run for president to help his beloved country out of
the biggest mess it’s ever been in. That was, by the way, Romney’s prime reason
for entering the race. The incumbent (and his powerful “bosses” behind the
scenes) however, had two less than passionate reasons to run: 1) to maintain power;
and 2) continue the destruction of America from within.
Romney is a man of considerable accomplishment. Whereas the
un-American that, contrary to his “own” fabricated success stories and leftist,
radical, propaganda filled theories regarding the direction this country should
take, did not perform any beneficial service to the city of Chicago or state of
Illinois in all the time he was there either organizing (i.e., luring, lying, brain
washing) or while in the senate. So, Obama campaigning for his 2nd
term had no accomplishments to advertise either during his time in Chicago or in
his first 1st term (although he sees pushing through the ACA as
success…despite the epic fail that’s turning out to be)!
Romney, who was the GOP choice to run against Obama, was a
hugely successful businessman, running world-wide corporations, and he knew more
about leadership, business, fiscal responsibility, and economics than Obama (who
knew zero) or any of Obama’s advisors. Romney exuded success while Obama
smelled of failure! It should have been a slam dunk! BUT, Romney’s proven
success and capability didn’t matter, the issues didn’t matter, Obama’s known
illegal and unethical schemes, as well as those that were coming to light during
the campaign didn’t matter; hell, Benghazi didn’t even matter! It had been
decided that Barrack Hussein Obama (or whoever he really is) was going to be
re-elected so that he could continue to do what he was “handpicked” to do. Strategically,
the media had been infiltrated by the same kind of wrong minded, far left,
radical, progressives long before Obama so he didn’t need any accomplishments
or successes to campaign on; he didn’t need to worry about any fuck-ups,
stupidity, or scandals; “they” would have his back. Even so, to them, it was
still necessary to smear Romney as brutally as they did. Since there was
nothing of significance, in real life, big enough to make a difference, they
had to make things up and have the media report, report, report. Even the
celebrity “friends of the regime” from Hollywood went on the attack. The
ignorant masses were being barraged with the same bullshit lies from the only
sources of news they were aware of and from celebrities that they adored; it
all must be true, they thought…the media wouldn’t lie! Jamie Fox wouldn’t lie!
The negative smear campaign was relentless; it had to be in order to ensure
success. All they had going for them was
making Romney into a monster and their well-planned election fraud. We’ll never know the magnitude of the fraud
that was perpetrated. Thanks to their protectors; those that were doing it,
those that did not exercise their official duties by allowing it to be done;
and those that failed to investigate and report how widespread it actually was…our once great system
was marginalized into something more akin to faux-democracy elections we’ve
witnessed in third world banana republics.
…and the result of re-electing this insane, megalomaniacal,
fuck has opened up our country to unprecedented world-wide criticism and
humiliation! Can you blame the rest of the world…we are a fucking joke…an Uncle
Sam wearing clown shoes kinda joke…it’s pathetic!
“It would be so nice if something would make sense for a
change. “ – Alice, contemplating the bizarre new world that she finds herself
in after chasing the rabbit into the hole.