Tuesday, August 13, 2013

THE PRICE OF RE-ELECTION: LIE, CHEAT….and spend $1,000,000,000.00

I didn’t become an “active” conservative until 2011, when the presidential campaign kicked into gear and I saw the media step it up 100% in its defense of all things Obama and liberal. What was most disturbing to me was when they took the lead, for the muslim, in the character assassination of Mitt Romney.  If what took place were only legitimate background investigation and objective reporting of any true skeletons, it would have been fine; that’s expected and that can be addressed and a candidate can move on. Right-minded folk (whether they thought Romney was the right candidate or not) would suck it up and move on to business encouraging the candidate to put it behind him and campaign on the issues; something he had a handle on and actually brought with him to the campaign plans to resolve; unlike the incumbent, who: a) couldn’t even bring himself to admit to some of the issues as being real; and b) as we all found out, wasn’t required to have any plans to improve anything. There were “other” plans in place to get him elected.

What the guy wearing the president costume and his enablers did to Mitt Romney was disgraceful and they would all be ashamed, if they had souls. Ninety-five percent of the campaign smears perpetrated against Romney were lies and the other 5% that may have been based in reality were exaggerated right through reality and out the other side! They were the most vile and nasty lies ever, in any election, this country has seen. The Romney that the liberal machine and media created for Obama was a fictional character that is out of touch with the base voting bloc; it was this Romney that was sold to the ignorant masses. Romney and his family certainly didn’t deserve to be treated in this manner for being passionate and choosing to run for president to help his beloved country out of the biggest mess it’s ever been in. That was, by the way, Romney’s prime reason for entering the race. The incumbent (and his powerful “bosses” behind the scenes) however, had two less than passionate reasons to run: 1) to maintain power; and 2) continue the destruction of America from within.

Romney is a man of considerable accomplishment. Whereas the un-American that, contrary to his “own” fabricated success stories and leftist, radical, propaganda filled theories regarding the direction this country should take, did not perform any beneficial service to the city of Chicago or state of Illinois in all the time he was there either organizing (i.e., luring, lying, brain washing) or while in the senate. So, Obama campaigning for his 2nd term had no accomplishments to advertise either during his time in Chicago or in his first 1st term (although he sees pushing through the ACA as success…despite the epic fail that’s turning out to be)!

Romney, who was the GOP choice to run against Obama, was a hugely successful businessman, running world-wide corporations, and he knew more about leadership, business, fiscal responsibility, and economics than Obama (who knew zero) or any of Obama’s advisors. Romney exuded success while Obama smelled of failure! It should have been a slam dunk! BUT, Romney’s proven success and capability didn’t matter, the issues didn’t matter, Obama’s known illegal and unethical schemes, as well as those that were coming to light during the campaign didn’t matter; hell, Benghazi didn’t even matter! It had been decided that Barrack Hussein Obama (or whoever he really is) was going to be re-elected so that he could continue to do what he was “handpicked” to do. Strategically, the media had been infiltrated by the same kind of wrong minded, far left, radical, progressives long before Obama so he didn’t need any accomplishments or successes to campaign on; he didn’t need to worry about any fuck-ups, stupidity, or scandals; “they” would have his back. Even so, to them, it was still necessary to smear Romney as brutally as they did. Since there was nothing of significance, in real life, big enough to make a difference, they had to make things up and have the media report, report, report. Even the celebrity “friends of the regime” from Hollywood went on the attack. The ignorant masses were being barraged with the same bullshit lies from the only sources of news they were aware of and from celebrities that they adored; it all must be true, they thought…the media wouldn’t lie! Jamie Fox wouldn’t lie! The negative smear campaign was relentless; it had to be in order to ensure success.  All they had going for them was making Romney into a monster and their well-planned election fraud.  We’ll never know the magnitude of the fraud that was perpetrated. Thanks to their protectors; those that were doing it, those that did not exercise their official duties by allowing it to be done; and those that failed to investigate and report  how widespread it actually was…our once great system was marginalized into something more akin to faux-democracy elections we’ve witnessed  in third world banana republics.

…and the result of re-electing this insane, megalomaniacal, fuck has opened up our country to unprecedented world-wide criticism and humiliation! Can you blame the rest of the world…we are a fucking joke…an Uncle Sam wearing clown shoes kinda joke…it’s pathetic!

“It would be so nice if something would make sense for a change. “ – Alice, contemplating the bizarre new world that she finds herself in after chasing the rabbit into the hole.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Black American President and His Epic Fail of Black America

Instead of Meeting the Expectations of African Americans on Issues, Obama Uses Black Leaders to Exploit The Zimmerman Verdict - Race Baiting Fuels the Hating 

Front Matter: I am a white man and I too have been affected by the fallout associated with the results of the Zimmerman verdict; only because I am a white man, black "leaders" and white ultra liberals who don't even know me have called me a racist. They also suggest that there's no place for me in this discussion. I have news for them; fuck that! They don't get to hit and run like that. I can and will discuss this subject, since "they" unwittingly invited me in!  Speaking the truth is not racist, no matter how many times the liberal PC race baiters say so...I don't live in their fantasy world and I don't do PC. I've got a message from the real world to them: anybody who is offended by the truth, is on the wrong side of it! 

Since Obama’s “appointment” as president, race relations in this country have been set back 50 years or so. To constructively discuss “Trayvon Martin” would require, on “both" sides of the issue; empathy, introspection and an understanding of America's social and economic history. This is why the open “discussions” we have seen led by the muslim-poser-in-charge and his enablers, are not a reasonable debate (that’s not what they desire). Their goal is to just fuel more ignorance and bias into black America against whites. In a normal world inhabited by rational thought (my world), it's laughable that they would even contemplate using Trayvon's death as a racial incident, given that the truth shows us that it would be under false pretense to categorize it as such! Obama and his "My State Media" are the ones that took the opportunity to falsely labeled it racism...it's documented fact that Zimmerman is not white; but the real truth doesn't matter in their world, only "their" truth matters! I believe, from what I'm seeing these days (this but being one of many examples) that this regime, in 5 short years, has caused our once great nation to sink to their own personal level of  twisted depravity. Half of the population, it seems, has become completely irrational and dysfunctional. I can't think of a major power in the modern civilized era to compare this insanity to.

"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." - Rahm Emanuel

As mentioned above, the only fucking reason we even know of Trayvon Martin is because Obama’s MSM falsely and irresponsibly called his killing out as a racial incident and he jumped in right on cue. It served two purposes to them: 1) a sensational, profitable story, that they would milk for some time; and 2) it falls right in line with their duty to further the un-American president’s agenda to divide this country, by race and social status, as much as he can. The assault on White America is not just limited to promoting blacks against whites either; just look at the other controversial issues created by this administration which fuel racial tension: the blatantly un-American immigration “un-control" policies and the appalling appeasement/financing/defending of muslims above traditional "American" religions/institutions, the latter policy, developed by our own Administration, is proving to also be a threat to national security! What the fuck, unprecedented right?   

Hundreds of blacks are killed annually in South Side Chicago, alone, without even a mention by the MSM. Trayvon isn't in the MSM news for any reason other than ratings (which, for example, CNN needs badly), profit, and a nod from the libtard occupying the white house. Let’s forget about the false “racism” label for a minute; the news coverage on the Zimmerman case and “all the hype” associated with it suggests that the killing of this young black man is somehow an anomaly. I take exception to that bullshit; it happens on a daily basis and is, by a wide majority, black on black crime. This reality, which if his intent was to truly address and correct issues in the black community, surely would not be ignored; yet it is, in fact, ignored. The only logical conclusion that could be drawn here is simply this; the Divider-In-Chief does not have any intention to really help resolve the issues that today, plague the African American community. Fucking sad isn't it? They were so counting on him to come in and deal with their issues as a top priority; but it was never his intention...he lied and deceived his own people. He chose his "cause" over them...a cause which is actually contrary to helping them, rather it requires "keeping them down" and exaggerating their plight and brainwashing them to falsely focus and direct their anger on White America. If the issues that blacks live with were resolved, he'd have nothing to blame whites for...living together in peace does not fit his plan at all!

This new political era we find ourselves in folks, is not a dream…it’s all too real and if a story (any story) is deemed not to meet a set of politically influenced criteria then it’s not covered by the MSM; to the detriment of everybody (especially those that it’s meant to be kept from; which is a large part of the Administration’s own voting bloc). They need to keep the masses ignorant  for the simple reason that: informed  masses = trouble for a tyrant wanna-be! I, personally, thank God for “the new media”, but I’m not sure if it helps my state of mental health by being informed or makes it worse having to deal with the burden of being informed: and the resulting realization that I’m a significant minority! This "government" continues their assault on our civil liberties and there is little to no protest from the black community because of the aforementioned media diversion tactics that keep such pertinent issues from them. But I’ll bet my bank account that if one of those famous rappers or black Hollywood celebrities, like Jamie Fox, would wake up and send out constructive, truthful messages, they in turn would wake up fast and join “with us” and it would be “our” collective protests against the entity that wants to control us all.
The black community is getting all wound up and hatin on the white man more than we've seen since the sixties. It's all fucking based on manipulated and fabricated data and stories aired to elicit emotion while fueling America's anger and division. For their evil and irresponsible actions against (a trusting) Black America; I'm taking a slight detour here to to give a shout out to the Race Baiters:

Hey, you evil muslim that puts on the president costume every day; you black civil rights"so called" leaders whose only income results from keeping the hate alive; and all you liberal MSM and Hollywood celebrity fucks...the end DOES NOT justify the means. You're nothing but a bunch of evil, twisted beings that are absent of morals, compassion, integrity and souls...and i hope karma deals you a deserving hand when it comes around to visit yo asses! Something like this I would wish on you:                                                                                                                                                       

that you catch on fire and burn just enough to remain conscious, trapped under smoldering lumber and laying on hot coals, and you take like 3 of 4 days to die and all the while knowing that no one is coming to save you and you're feeling that excruciating pain associated  
with your flesh being seared off...and 
hours before you're ready for your 
eternal trip to a place that's worse 
than the experience you feel now,
rats come along drawn by the smell
of your cooked flesh and they start 
feeding on you...and you can't do a 
fucking thing about it!!!! Yep, I'd be
cool with that being in your futures.

The fact that the ignorant masses buy into the big lie is understandable, but there's also the all too "willing" audience of the race baiters; black racists and “guilt-ridden” white liberals (who, btw, always seem to be wealthy, elitist, snobs) are especially "using" Trayvon Martin's death as an excuse to project their own deep-seated issues and delusions. Believe me, I've had more than a few "discussions" with their kind; they are not capable of intelligent, empathetic debate and they will never be able to until they make the choice to get informed, which most do not. They don't care if you have indisputable facts to show them how wrong and illogical their delusional arguments are...in fact, if it's an opposing view, they're not even listening to what's being said; they have their "supplied" talking points memorized and are just waiting to recite them when it's their turn to talk.
With the help of those choosing to eat the shit being fed to them by the race baiters the plan is working. For them it's crucial that the people of the country be so divided that it necessitates an excuse for the government to institute martial law (which is one step away from permanent tyranny). When that happens, who do you think is in the best position to be successful amidst all the resulting turmoil? I would venture to say it will be the very, very rich and powerful new world order brokers hiding in the shadows orchestrating the destruction of the country from within; the ones that invented this Barrack Hussein Obama and "ensured" his rise to power; the ones that are "advising" the current "no-fix/make-it-worse" economic policy; the ones that are driving the economy and the dollar to collapse. These will be the ones that lead a new "world currency" initiative! What a position to be in when the time comes, right? You don't think that causing this social division and unrest, trying their best to grab guns from law abiding citizens, stripping away constitutionally granted  individual liberty and freedom, and the exacerbation of an already significant economic crisis ALL happening at the same time is a coincidence do you? In future posts there will be more ranting from me specific to this topic....now back to the damage caused already by this race baiting...

The societal divide that's already been orchestrated by these maniacal madmen may be too much to recover from....the hate is now on a roll of its own; therefore all I have is to offer black Americans is some heartfelt advice; think (for yourselves) about the information provided here and don't fall for the lies from those you thought you trusted. You can now see the reason why you're being lied to and used by your own leaders is because their agenda and conceit is more important to them than their people...just like "politics" has become more to politicians (on both sides of the aisle) than leadership, values, and, for that matter, even America.

Ask yourselves why the so-called black civil rights leaders (like Sharpton and Jackson), who've been around for decades, only keep perpetuating the false negative images of blacks in America...how are you, alone, going to show the country that the stereotypical image of the black male is not a universal indicator, if your leaders not only don't stand up and say it; rather they are the ones continuing to claim that it's so? Why haven't they ever led any efforts to investigate the issues that blacks face, identify the causes, and put plans in place to make positive change? Why do they ignore and, with the help of the liberal MSM, try to keep from you the reality of black on black crime; especially murder? 
The statistics are staggering and
 it's something that will only get 
worse the longer it's ignored. 
Why, with all the money they make, 
do they seem to only promote the hate,
as well as, themselves, rather than fund      
beneficial programs? Finally, why 
would they stand up in front of the 
country and have the arrogance to 
claim that the Zimmerman verdict 
is attributed to racism because it was 
white on black crime...we all know 
Zimmerman was hispanic; yet that is
never discussed since it doesn't fit with 
their message. True racists crying false 
racism isn't going to get Black America anything...but criticism. It's a criticism that's very difficult to argue as not being justified, since it's your leaders up there and the message being preached to you all is nothing but vile, hateful, lies and deceit. Despite the rhetoric we hear from Jackson, Sharpton, Professor Dyson, Rangel and others, in reality there is not much of a racial problem coming from the direction of white to black; do the research, it's just not there! And what pisses me off so much is the fact that for the most part, specifically myself, and White America in general, has been very tolerant; but the elitist, progressive machinery refuses to acknowledge and possesses the means by which to keep that fact from about half the population.

There’s so much more you can do by moving forward rather than allowing those that you believe care for you continue to kick you down and insist that you to remain there. Increase your knowledge of what’s truly going on in the country by seeking sources of information other than the MSM and what liberals tell you. Education, introspection, self-love and striving for improvement are the only ways to overcome the suffocation of ignorance.