Ultra Liberal Celebrity Hypocrite Fucks - i hate you self-important, self-congratulatory, self-serving, lying, transparent, elitist, douche bags!

One thing that's always pissed me off is Hollywood Celebrity Political Leftmania (HCPL)...you know, that infectious disease of the brain where the majority of Hollyweird motion picture, TV, and music celebrities, who would otherwise be apolitical (or at least unheard), must use their celebrity: to speak out on issues that I happen to be in favor of; or promote new leftist flavor-of-the-days that are just plain fucking stupid. If HCPL were a real disease I would be tolerant; however, it's willingly transmitted and received through self-serving group think.

Yep, it's like an STD; they willingly transmit and receive. They need something other than their talent to fill up the huge space that their ego carves out and since it's cool to be liberal and perceived by the same as being a hipster; especially these days; they now all think they're political pundits. It's widely believed among them that they're expected to use their celebrity to promote liberal, leftist bullshit. What's really laughable and should embarrass them, though, is the fact that they really open themselves up by this need to plead. Some just don't get it and show how completely stupid they are...and all of them will regularly show their hypocrisy. For example, if it weren't just a hobby for them, perhaps they'd be aware of the fact that today's talking points that "they care so deeply about" was yesterday's biggest single issue that liberals would oppose for the single reason of being proposed by republicans.

One of their "unwavering" positions happens to be their opposition to war, for any reason, at any time, no matter what, and especially, without a doubt, all of them in unanimous agreement with: it's even worse if the war is started by the U.S. and the process laid out for engagement is not followed!

Well then, let's talk about Syria...the whole fucking world except for a few biased countries, who have an interest in seeing Assad outed, is AGAINST intervention! The American public (liberal democrats included) is overwhelmingly AGAINST intervention! You know who's for this fucking insane Obama idea to arm and assist the Syrian rebels that within it's ranks a shit load of Al-Qaeda terrorists; democratic politicians and a few RINOs; that's it! I thought I would hear much opposition from the "celebrity party" by now...after all it is their number one cause to protest, self congratulate, and feel intellectually superior about. Yet, this is the only time that I can recall not hearing from them...listen...crickets!

Well Buzzfeed has an idea has an idea what might have happened to those hypocrite Obama dick licks that we're not hearing from!

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