Sunday, September 22, 2013


Just as he always does, in an effort to to hide truth from his ignorant minions, regarding yet another of his fails,  Barack Obama makes some more shit up...this one is fucking unbelievable!

You ready for it...are you sure? Ok, just a few days ago he declared that "raising the debt ceiling doesn’t increase the nation’s debt", noting that it had "been done over a hundred times before".

What the fuck, right? Speaking at the Business Roundtable headquarters in Washington, D.C., here's the muslim's actual words:

“Now, this debt ceiling – I just want to remind people in case you haven’t been keeping up – raising the debt ceiling, which has been done over a hundred times, does not increase our debt; it does not somehow promote profligacy.  All it does is it says you got to pay the bills that you’ve already racked up, Congress. It’s a basic function of making sure that the full faith and credit of the United States is preserved.”

Is this guy serious, I mean sure, the majority of his voters don't have a clue and will believe what he says; since his media, who knows it's bullshit, will tell it as he wants them to. So, this one not only defies common sense; it also throws some blame off of him and falsely onto Congress! What a fucking douche; "the bills that you've already racked up, Congress"; can one get anymore disingenuous and hypocritical? Probably, we'll see next time he blatantly lies about something.

For the "sane" record, Congress only passed "Obama’s" $831 billion “stimulus package” not knowing how botched, wasteful, and of absolutely no help it would end up being. It was the imposter president himself that illegally ramrodded through Congress his  “Affordable Care Act,” which will cost all of us an estimated $1.2 trillion over the next decade!

He just throws anything out there and whatever he says becomes the "truth" to far too many people.
He went on to suggest that “the average person”  — you know, the same low-information person who voted for him, twice — mistakenly thinks that raising the debt ceiling means the U.S. is “racking up more debt.”

“It’s always a tough vote because the average person thinks raising the debt ceiling must mean that we’re running up our debt, so people don’t like to vote on it, and, typically, there’s some gamesmanship in terms of making the president’s party shoulder the burden of raising the – taking the vote.”

Oh, then during a speech the purpose of which was to play some more of the blame game; he said “You have never seen in the history of the United States the debt ceiling or the threat of not raising the debt being used to extort a president or a governing party and trying to force issues that have nothing to do with the budget and nothing to do with the debt.”

Well, on this, the Washington Post's Fact Checker awarded 4 Pinocchios to Obama’s [untrue] claim on debt-ceiling negotiations. Fact Checker rates claims based on a scale of 1-4 Pinocchios. It classifies “4-Pinocchio” lies as “Whoppers.”!

This guy is nothing but a self absorbed piece of shit that thinks everybody is as stupid as those of his voting bloc. If he wasn't successfully implementing his plan and fucking this country up beyond repair; his antics would be laughable; I find it extremely difficult to laugh when I'm overcome with the kind of rage and hate that I feel toward this un-American terrorist!

Thursday, September 19, 2013


If the liberal voting public wasn't so fucking stupid AND evil, and the politics they claim as their own, so ruinous, they would actually be funny. If the ignoranuses were smart and evil; they’d at least be able to hide their know, just like their idols hide it from them! Take their love for someone like Che Guevara. You see his face plastered all over faded t-shirts and dirty VW bugs and haven't the slightest clue as to what he did, or what he stood for. He was a brutal, power worshiping, murdering, racist, homophobe, communist. Here's a message to them:

You liberals are stupid like that, aren't you? You'll just blindly follow anybody as long as somebody tells you they're cool; you can’t be bothered doing your homework and thinking for yourself. It would be devastating if someone cool told you what’s cool to believe in and you found out that it wasn’t…omg, what would you do then? Your first and most important goal in life is to be perceived as cool. Everything you do, day in and day out, revolves around that; especially, someone else’s liberal political views that you accept and pawn off to everyone as your own. You not only claim it, but you also must show how extreme and committed you are to “your” beliefs. What I find so funny (funny like – at your expense) is that the majority of you fucktards don’t even educate yourselves about the issues. Man that must make it extremely difficult to defend if you’re called on something, huh? Ya, we know, we’ve seen you! How about we take a look at the relationship between you and your president. You were told he was cool, so that made him cool. You were told that he was qualified to be president, so he was. Attempts to reveal the truth about him were met with ignorant, adamant, and swift marginalization from you, primarily through accusations of racism, because of your inability to refute the truth. I know, I was on the front line trying to get through to you idiots and whether you want to hear it or not; I am not above telling you “I told you so”!

You were told that he would lead us to a new and improved America, so you jumped right on the bandwagon as your favorite media news stations and Hollywood celebrities told you to. I’m not going to go into excruciating detail with the volumes of facts available to show what a fuck up this muslim has been, what a liar he is, how fucking evil he is, and how much trouble this country is in. All that much fact thrown at you at once will shock you right into defense and protect mode and I will have accomplished nothing; so just some simple questions between me and you that you can reflect on all by yourselves. Are we, any of us, better off now? You were promised that his presidency would be the most transparent ever. Is it? You were told that he would transcend race and unite us all. Are we all united? You were told that he would end these wars. Have they been? You were told that he would reduce the deficit by one half by the end of his first term. Has it been? You were told a video caused the death of our ambassador and 3 other Patriots. Based on what we know a year later; did it? You all, deep down, know the answers to these few questions….and there’s so much fucking more!

What is it with you fucks being enamored with the Socialism hoax and its “leaders” with the fake smiles and false promises? They've never done anything good for mankind. Not Ever! Only for the State (themselves). Aren't you dumbasses getting tired of getting lied to? Being used is not cool at all and half the country sees you as being used, you fuckin nitwits. Know this, Che Guevara didn't give a shit about people and bettering their lot in life. He used that tired old faux-motive to achieve power. How many times does this have to play out in history before you learn any lessons from it? Just like those before (and after) him, political power was his only goal; not individual human rights! Once you were of no political use to him, you were expendable. That's what those “leaders” who “claim” to be Socialists do. Also know this, unless you are one of the very few elitists that are in the Divider-In-Chief’s inner circle, you will someday find that you’re not a useful idiot anymore! Think about that, useful idiots! Look at those lies I've listed above and tell me that THIS is what you envisioned for America? Wake the fuck up, fools, before we're ALL subjected to the evil that is the subject of many books and the story line of many movies, depicting the despair and hopelessness of those “futuristic” societies living under totalitarian rule. This is real life and if you people end up fucking it up for me and my family, I plan on fucking up as many of you as I can before departing to a better place!