Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Muslim's 5th State Of The Union


As the saying goes: “Every man has two reasons for everything he does: a good reason and the real reason.” Some folks will tell you that it's a cynical statement...I say, so what if it's true...and with this "president" it's always true!

So, the liar-in-chief is at it again! This rant will focus on one area that Obama made a big deal about in last night's speech: Raising The Minimum Wage. I'll give you a little background...fill you in on statistics that will reveal inconsistencies (to say the least) with the story allowed to be aired by the State Run Media...then i'll let you know what the real reason is for his interest in what many liberals believe is a rather mundane gesture, and can't for the life of them understand why anyone would oppose such a philanthropic gesture...and, as always, the liberal "wanna-be-perceived-as-caring" public doesn't have a clue!

Back in August, the White House Twitter account tweeted a claim that 15 million workers would “directly benefit" from a minimum wage increase and that “nobody who works full-time should live in poverty.” And in December, both the White House and the president’s labor secretary publicly supported nation-wide strikes take place by hourly workers demanding higher pay. The fact is, the white house push for increasing the minimum wage has nothing to do with helping anybody out of poverty and everything to do with the only thing they seemingly care about: politics! Let's just say that the guy in the president costume that gave the speech last night forgot to mention these facts:

1) Only 1 Percent Of The U.S. Labor Force Earns The Minimum Wage

Yep, only a tiny percentage of American workers actually earn the federal hourly minimum wage: 1 percent, to be exact. In 2012, data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), show that roughly 1.5 million hourly workers (out of a total Labor Force of 155 million) were paid the federal minimum wage of $7.25. Where'd he get the 15 million number from...must have been a decimal point error, right!

2) Most Minimum Wage Workers Are Under The Age Of 25 And Teenagers 16 -19 Comprise The Single Largest Age Group Of Them

Teenagers between the ages of 16 and 19 years comprise 31% of all minimum wage workers in the U.S. according to the BLS. Workers between 20 and 24 years of age comprise 24 percent of all minimum wage workers. FYI, a large percentage of these (teenagers in particular) don't even work full time...they're not the bread winners. In fact, BLS says that in 2012, 51.5 percent of U.S. workers earning the federal minimum wage – about 800,000 out of 1.5 million — averaged less than 30 hours each week: so again what Barry tells you...isn't based in reality!

3) A Majority Of Those Who Earn The Minimum Wage Work In Food Preparation Or Sales

BLS also categorizes labor statistics by industry and occupation. Most minimum wage workers work in “food preparation and serving related occupations” (26.1 percent) with minimum required skill (busboys, dishwashers) or in “sales and related occupations” (25.5 percent), an occupation that often pays "commissions and bonuses" in addition to fixed hourly rates.

4) Less Than 5 Percent Of People Who Earn The Minimum Wage Work In Construction Or Manufacturing
The regime would lead us to believe that a large number of minimum wage workers are hard-working construction or manufacturing types; doesn't make sense, does it? - because, that’s just not the case! In fact, less than 5 percent of all minimum wage workers are employed in the construction (0.8 percent) or manufacturing industries (3.3 percent) according to federal wage data and you can bet those few that do work in these industries are not operating heavy machinery: some janitorial services are not contracted out!

5) Less Than One-Third Of Minimum Wage Workers Are Full-Time

How about this fact! Only 32 percent of the country’s minimum wage workers work full-time — 501,000 out of more than 1.5 million, to be exact. So...all of this hype for "all" those poor and unfortunate 15 million is...well...just that: hype (i.e., lies)! In reality, despite what you hear him say or the MSM report, there are only a little over half a million individuals full time workers supporting themselves and their families who make the minimum wage! The "official" numbers are only off by 97%; hey, he never claimed to be a math wiz...what was it he claimed to be again?!? While we're on this one; ask yourself: what's the main reason many of these people are working part-time for minimum wage anyway? Yes, the answer is; the guy in the president costume! Obama administration laws and regulations have made it more difficult to find full-time work. Moreover, recently enacted laws like the insane Obamacare have made the quest even more difficult, since it's very being creates enormous incentives for employers to shift workers to part-time roles to avoid the health law’s onerous mandates and regulations.

6) A Full-Time Minimum Wage Worker In 2014 Will Make 24 Percent More Than The Federal Poverty Limit

Remember that White House tweet and the statement that “It’s time to raise the minimum wage because nobody who works full-time should love in poverty”? If one does a little math and considers the 2014 federal poverty guidelines (for a single, under $11,670 per year is impoverished) one will find that a single individual who earns the current federal minimum wage and works full-time will earn $14,500 in a year (50 weeks per year x 40 hours per week x $7.25 per hour). That's $2,830 above Obama's own poverty level minimum.

7) One-Third Of Minimum Wage Workers Either Dropped Out Of Or Never Attended High School

If anyone argues that educational achievement is a "significant factor" in determining a worker’s hourly wage, then don't listen, because they're just fuckin idiots! BLS numbers reveal that over 36 percent of minimum wage earners (part-time and full-time)— 568,000 out of more than 1.5 million — do not have a high school diploma. Only 4 percent of minimum wage workers have a bachelor’s degree or higher. That doesn't mean a college education is best for everyone, but it does suggest that lacking one can (and should) make it more difficult to move up the pay ladder.

8) There Are Nearly Six Times More Minimum Wage Workers Today Than In 2007

In 1980, the number of minimum wage workers in the U.S. reached a peak of 4.7 million workers. At that time, the prevailing federal minimum wage was $3.10 an hour. In 2007, following more than two decades of economic prosperity, the number of Americans earning the minimum wage bottomed out at 267,000 workers. Since then, the number has risen dramatically to today's number of 1.5 million workers!

Is this all I should say about this one? - - Fuck no! it is: in 2007 there were less workers at the minimum wage level than ever!! Who was elected president in 2008 and is in office now? Yep, the guy wearing the president costume; who creates messes like this and then, instead of treating the illness, just wants to treat the symptom by throwing more money at the very problems he causes (raise minimum wage, extend unemployment benefits)! Now, before anyone jumps all over me and claims I'm an insensitive conservative who doesn't believe in extending unemployment benefits; you're wrong...but there is a hitch...I am in favor of temporarily extending unemployment compensation if Harry Reid agrees to stop blocking republican legislation aimed at improving the economy and getting folks back to work! That's the only way I would agree...and you know who should be screaming the loudest to him about this: those that are unemployed! Instead, they vote for the fuckin guy...WTF!

You Now Possess The Facts...

Remember that saying that I led off with? You've heard the "good" reason the regime wants to raise the minimum wage. Now let me tell you the liar's real motive: A CHANGE IN THE MINIMUM WAGE TRIGGERS UNION WAGE HIKES AND BENEFIT NEGOTIATIONS!!

Early in 2013, the Wall Street Journal published the findings of union analyst, Richard Berman, who studied a large number of Union Contracts. The contracts used some differing methods to "trigger" wage increases: The two popular ones tied it guessed it: the government minimum wage! Well, how 'bout that: one uses a "percentage" above minimum wage and the other a "flat wage" (in x dollars) above the minimum wage.
So every time the minimum wage increases; so does union wages (unfairly). If a union construction worker makes what's considered a fair wage today and the minimum wage goes up tomorrow, how does that affect the union construction worker? It doesn't, that's why it's unfair. This whole scheme is about one thing...and one thing only: the lying muslim paying back his union buddies (in the form of higher wages, increased negotiation leverage, and less competition) for their votes...especially, after pissing the unions off in the early days of the Obamascare roll-out! 

When it comes to this guy (currently squatting in the white house with his family), "everything" he does should be looked at in this way....and sometimes he doesn't even bother to fabricate a "good" reason...he just shoves it up our collective asses! 

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