Friday, June 28, 2013


 (aka: Hey you fuckin liberal, progressive, radicals that have no idea how communist the divider-in-chief and his policies are; don’t tell me that what I say is offensive when I know I don’t mean it in an offensive way and I know that you only call it offensive because you don’t agree with it and NO you cannot change the meaning of the word offensive, you fucks…and what’s up with this shit anyway because don’t you fucks profess to be tolerant, yep, so even if I meant things to be offensive [which I don’t] you’re supposed to be tolerant of me, aren’t you! Oh, also…wake the fuck up, before it’s too late)


This great country was founded with many great freedoms. Not the least of which was freedom of speech. But that freedom has recently been eroded due to the trendy, political correctness movement. The proponents of political correctness now attack any expression they don't agree with as "HATE SPEECH" or "RACISM".  Just two days ago I was having a discussion on g+ plus about the DHS release of thousands of (not hundreds) illegal aliens. I was especially spun up by fact that the lying fuck squatting in the oval office right now lied through his fuckin teeth (AGAIN) when he said it would only be hundreds, even though it actually should be only fuckin ZERO.  So, anyway, I’m going back and forth with this liberal dick who doesn't know why he votes liberal and, as usual, I just wanted to stick to the main topic, since the most of the fucks I argue with can't even handle one topic at a time! So, I post what I think regarding this latest insane stunt pulled by the regime, I get opposing on! It goes kinda like this: As a follow up to my general post, I post something explaining why I initially said what I said and/or why I have the view I do, with logic and facts included...I get things back that are off topic, don't support the views they express, or are just plain insulting. Yet they still tell me I'm wrong...which gets me going, so I fire off another post: this time my argument is irrefutable and included in this one I usually ask a specific and clear question of the idiot; which, 90% of the time doesn’t get answers and the fuckin libtards leave the thread…and I WIN! Well, sometimes they stay, ok then; the next one is the post where I barrage them with insults relating to how fucked up one must be to even have an opinion on an issue that they really have no knowledge of and therefore are incapable of defending. Anyway, in this specific discussion of a couple of days ago, after I completely (and publicly) showed how ignorant he was, dude stayed and out of the clear blue sky calls me a racist, WTF, where'd that come from I thought. Nothing in my posts even remotely suggested any racial underpinnings to what I was saying; hell, there couldn't have been, since; a) I wouldn't; and b) I never even thought once of race during this "discussion". I was thinking yet “another stupid, dangerous, and unlawful policy” coming out of this anti-American regime, aka the Administration. Can you believe the balls on this mutha fucka calling me a racist like that? I responded to the racism charge with this post:

oh [name withheld], I can't believe you're calling me a racist! where do come up with this shit? I don't give a fuck if these illegals are the color purple, that's not the point...although you don't get many points do you when you look at every frikin daily event thru liberal-ass filtered shades which translate real events into something that fits the liberal view of the world.  Typical of your type, throw that race card in whenever u can't defend a liberal view with logic and truth! you really don't mind being stupid in a public forum do you?  pleeeez try to - JUST ONCE -answer one of my questions in your attempt at another response, and here it is:
where in my posts do i even infer anything that would cause anyone to think I’m a racist?  oh, wait....unless, i used a "code" word, right?  you know i did say "criminals" and hell, that’s right; we all know that's “code” for minorities isn't it (of course, Chris Matthews says so)...sorry, my bad!  NOT! nitwit.

There, you see, perfect example of what I stated above; they really pull this case you're wondering if "name withheld' ever answered my question.....hell no, they rarely do...his next post was so lame (worse than the other 6 or so that we went back and forth on), I'm kinda embarrassed for him.

So, we now also have these fuckin word police (like-minded individuals to the idiot I just discussed above) who seem to think "anything-they-don't-like-speech" should not be covered by our great Constitution’s 1st Amendment. Let me try to say this such that it can be clearly understood (even by the zombie, mindless, blind followers of these idiot traitors [who happen to be in power now] who think THEY have the authority to tell me what I can and cannot say):


Who the fuck are they? They have no fucking authority on this subject, whereas I have the 1st Amendment! Who the fuck put it in their heads that "they" are the anointed ones that can sit in a little room, jerk off each other’s egos, and then stand there, with fuckin jizz dripping all over, and tell me that "they've" decided what's politically correct and what's not; and what's not is against the law! What is this shit?  Just as in the gun control debate, this goes back the Constitution: the authors (our forefathers), with respect to both the 1st and 2nd Amendments, were talking about keeping the people on-par with the government, so the government could not usurp the Will of the People. Our rights to free speech and to bear arms were included, SPECIFICALLY, so the government could not constrain our speech against them and to ensure we have the means by which to protect ourselves from a "tyrannical" government's attempt to usurp any of our rights!  Do you get it, it was written to PROTECT US FROM THE GOVERNMENT or more precisely “a government just like this one we have now”! How 'bout the morality and genius of our forefathers back then...serious, right! So, take a few seconds right now and try to add 2 + 2; did you get 4? If you did, then you know why this fuckin regime is trying soooo  fucking hard to push agendas that would effectively end up changing or diluting the constitution (yes, the law of this land). It's clear that their intention IS to usurp our rights and take control of our everyday lives. If you did not come up with the answer 4 and its meaning, then:

FUCK YOU NITWITS; you make me skeptical that you are even capable of coherent thought…YOU FUCKS! I can't try to enlighten you anymore; it's too much of a strain. You are too stupid that you don’t deserve to live, and so blinded by falsehoods that the twilight zone is your reality. Just get the fuck off of my planet. There are actual people here who need the oxygen you’re wasting.

Anyway, getting back to the 1st Amendment, oh yes, I'll rant about the fuckin gun control idiots...but not here, keep an eye out. Above I assert that freedom has recently been eroded due to the trendy, political correctness movement by these fucks…and their motive is obvious. All the regime has to do is float their stupid idea of the day out there, no matter how un-American, and their lackeys (the MSM, the sheeple, Hollywood) will take the front line and be the proponents of political correctness. As I said earlier, they now attack any expression they don't agree with as "HATE SPEECH" or "RACISM". They define what the "real" meaning of what we say and they'll tell us we're fuckin liars when we look them right in the eye and say, "um, excuse me that's not what I said, that's not what I meant, you see here's the context..." Nope they decided, so you, therefore, are a liar! How fuckin arrogant is that shit! They'll decide what kinds of speech should not be covered by our great constitution. Hell, the way they're behaving now, I can see a point where, if they're successful in changing/watering down the law of the land, whatever it ends up saying is of no matter: if they want to decide on case-by-case basis what's not right, they'll do it, they've been granted authority; there's a new tyrant in town and law has a different meaning than....well, it's actual meaning. 

What really causes me to puke up dinner every now and then recently is, not so much, the fucks that are running the show. Hell, I know them for what they are: elitist, me-type fucks who only want to retain power such that it can be used to protect  their own self interests. It's the blind followers, it's you reading this rant, no, not you...I'm talking about the ignorant liberal.       It's them that make me want to commit murder. Without     them, these tyrannical fucks go nowhere! These pathetic    fucks are slaves to the propaganda poured down their throats (along with the kool-aid) and absorbed into their brains. That coupled with their weak minds have caused them to fall victim to radicalized liberal group-think!

If only they realized that even though they're just zombies now they possess a latent power. The only way to unleash that power is to become aware of it...yes, that's right the "power" they "think" they have right now doing the regime's bidding, is only perceived; right-minded people (like me) see right through them and ridicule them. They could, though, have real power by bailing on the dark side and following the bright white light. Imagine if they just woke up right now and said “fuck you radical fucks, this shit ain't right! I went along with your social agendas because I thought it was right, but now I realize that you Mr. President don’t even share these views; you’re using social issues to use me, and I fell for it! I see now that you are what the conservatives and republicans have said all along; you are a radical, communist, muslim, anti-American piece of shit who wants to change America, drastically. You want to take our individual freedom away!” 

That's what's needed, then "we the people" become a united force and push back on this agenda. Those self righteous fucks in the MSM would then quickly bail on the whole “covering his ass no-matter-what” deal if they see the tide shifting the other way. They weren't so brazen and radical for the 8 years of Bush, were they? Then, once these traitors occupying the white house realize they're on their own, they're fucked. Without the prospects of achieving their radical goals, they become more silent, if they're not heard as much by the people, the people can start thinking about other things, if people start thinking about other things, then they lose their audience, without their audience they lose their power, and without their power they become irrelevant. So, you fucks that I'm referring to here: WAKE THE FUCK UP! Hello, you are being used you fucking whores; yep you're getting fucked right up the anus...really far up there! You wanna know what else? You don't even know why you're doing it, the only pay you're getting, that I can see, is the euphoric-like, twisted, satisfaction you're feeling by being able to finally get revenge for all, the intelligent, cool, logical, free-thinking people like me, with the ability to think for themselves! That's it, huh? You are so jealous of people like that. I bet people just like us kicked the fucking shit out of you in high school because you had the balls to attempt to impose your view of the world on them, and when challenged, you had no capacity, what-so-ever, to back it up! And another thing you morons; if you're successful in carrying their jock straps all the way to their finish line, you know what the achievement is that you will have accomplished? It's that YOU were a big part of losing what were “your rights too”, dip shits! These fucks will end up controlling your life too! So, let the force be with you, realize the true power you have...and use it!

If the above doesn’t happen and they don't wake up, i say this to them: you pathetic fucks, now it's gonna be just us and them, that's it: Elite and not-Elite. What were you thinkin? That they'd let you in the club when you said, "hey I'm one of you, I helped"; ya sure, smoke another one retard.

Then, when it's too late - you'll wake up, won't you, when you realize how supreme your fuck-up was this time and just after planting that face palm, you'll change you're tune in a heartbeat, right! You'll be sounding just like me, you'll want to end the tyranny! You might even run across me and say: "this is wrong, join me in ending the tyranny.."; and you know what I'll say? This is what I’ll say: "fuck you, you pathetic, hypocritical, dip shit, asshole, moron, the only thing I’m gonna end is your life"...then I'll fucking kill you (slowly and painfully of course), because I have a moral obligation to society: I cannot allow the stupid gene to be passed down to any more generations.  

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