When I experience episodes of my fellow man once again proving to me that he or she is a complete moron, possessing absolutely no common sense or the slightest bit of intelligence, my head hurts; it’s the same old result erupting in my brain: HATE (with a dash of rage and fury thrown in)! Why the fuck can’t these nitwits think like I do; it’s really not hard; sort of comes natural, you know! Why the fuck do they ALWAYS seem to reach the wrong conclusions, say the wrong things, have the wrong ideas, react the wrong way? My brain, more than anyone, knows how low my tolerance is for stupidity, therefore, it has a real hard time processing and signaling what my reaction should be to how stupid, every one of them appears to be, all of the time. It’s an experience that feels euphoric, in the sense that it makes me realize how superior I am to them; I’m right, they're idiots, and I know it! Yet, it’s also quite tiring and taxing on my brain. I'm sure it would be much easier to deal with if it weren't such a frequent (like more than once daily) experience.
Then when I have some down time and I think about how I think about THEM, it kind of disturbs me that I hate people; I might even feel somewhat ashamed. But those “guilty” thoughts are only fleeting, because the next example is right around the corner, that reassuring dark voice inside me that always lets me know “don't beat yourself up; you’re right Bob; they’re just fuckin idiots”.
It’s not just the asshole in traffic that deservedly is on the receiving end of my
road rage. It’s not just the fuckin idiot coworker in the (already too long)
meeting who can’t seem to stop either asking stupid fucking questions or
providing nonsensical input. It’s not just the sheeple you see every day that
never, ever, have an original thought. Well, actually it is them; but you know
the ones I really fuckin despise? It’s the ones whose misguided opinions are
not only stupid (and more often than not, hypocritical), but very dangerous to
America (as we used to know it) and dangerous to our individual well-being…you
know who I’m talking about, yep the L-word; it’s the fucking left wing-nut,
liberal, radical fucks that out-of-nowhere became as widespread as cockroaches
in an inner city dumpster. What
compounds the threat they pose is that they’re more radical than our country’s
history has ever seen. They have also become more and more irrational since
re-electing Obumbles; the supreme, dictatorial and megalomaniac fuck that he
is. Anyone with half a brain (of their own) could see it happening during the
last year of the presidential campaign. They became more emboldened during the
campaign: once they got the signal from the group that I love to hate the most;
the Main Stream Media (MSM), that their ass was covered. Then the gloves came
off. Can you imagine being able to say and do anything you wanted while knowing
that you're bullet proof? No, neither can I. It would be tempting, but it goes
against all that makes me who I am. I'd see it for what it is, mesmerizing,
powerful, intoxicating...but with a price, a big one; your soul! Not unlike the
ONE RING; the Ring of Power:Then when I have some down time and I think about how I think about THEM, it kind of disturbs me that I hate people; I might even feel somewhat ashamed. But those “guilty” thoughts are only fleeting, because the next example is right around the corner, that reassuring dark voice inside me that always lets me know “don't beat yourself up; you’re right Bob; they’re just fuckin idiots”.
Ring to rule them all, one Ring to find them”
One Ring to bring them
all, and in the darkness bind them”
you believe how appealing this was to the (many) cowards in their ranks who,
back in school, got the shit kicked out of them on a regular basis? These
fuckin “journalists”, that enabled “Team Nobama the Supreme” to squat in the
white house, truly believe that it’s their duty to decide whether to report
information, not report information, or actually fabricate information based on
how it advances their misguided liberal, romantic, opinions. This widespread,
biased infomercial type of “reporting” is now-a-days boldly, consistently and
openly practiced. It’s standard operating procedure any more, carried out under
the guise of the “greater good”. It has
a distinct purpose (to achieve power and bring this country to its knees) and
the full of shit, hypocritical, liars know it! The like-minded, zombie,
radicals of the Bacrack Insane Obummer regime know the game is fixed in their
favor, and they love playin a game where the refs are on the take. They're full
of themselves, full of the kool-aid, and full of shit! Here I am (and what
seems like too few others) who refused to drink the kool-aid, recognizes them
for what they are and are compelled to vette them out. The only ones that
don’t/can’t see the obvious are “exactly” the ones to whom this filtered and
fabricated information is aimed at: the sheeple!
The sheeple are many and believe only what they're
told (it must be true ‘cause it’s in the paper and on TV);
they have absolutely no capacity to think for themselves.
If the government says they deserve to be taken care
of for the rest of their lives, then that must be the way
it should be. It gives them an excuse to be lazy,
non-productive, and ignorant! Most important though,
to the lying, evil, elite within the regime; is to "get the
sheeple to vote"...it's real easy, just promise to give
them free stuff!
told (it must be true ‘cause it’s in the paper and on TV);
they have absolutely no capacity to think for themselves.
If the government says they deserve to be taken care
of for the rest of their lives, then that must be the way
it should be. It gives them an excuse to be lazy,
non-productive, and ignorant! Most important though,
to the lying, evil, elite within the regime; is to "get the
sheeple to vote"...it's real easy, just promise to give
them free stuff!
As I said, their numbers are many;
yet it's impossible to get an accurate count since they include within their
ranks both those who are not registered vote and those who are in this country
illegally. Oh yeah, these libtard fucks do not like to play fair; they make it
very easy for the unregistered, the illegals, and even the dead to vote. They
suggest that requiring any type of ID to vote is discriminating against the
poor, unfortunate, and uneducated; and the Supreme Court agrees...you know the
supreme court, those judges that are supposed to OBJECTIVELY uphold and
interpret the constitution and other laws and not let political views influence
any decisions...ya, those days are fuckin gone! With respect to the legal, law
abiding sheeple, I do, to a point, feel some pity for them...because they have
no clue that they're being used. Poor stupid, pathetic fucks!
I said a few words about the MSM; well these fucks certainly deserve a few
more! How about lying, hypocritical, elitist, self-absorbed, biased, dangerous
motherfuckers! What the fuck ever
happened to a free and objective press (and when did it happen)? Oh, I suppose it’s
still free, but clearly not objective; it’s what I like to call nobjective
(synonymous to biased and slanted!). This regime would, if it had to, start
infiltrating the major networks and newspapers with its shills to censor and
filter the truth: but guess what; they don’t have to! These fuckin elitist,
self-absorbed “journalists” are willingly guzzling down the kool-aid and
protecting this regime whenever the need arises; which is like every day. After
all, they know that if the regime is successful, they will be welcomed as part
of the permanent political elite class. They see this regime working on a daily
basis to lay the groundwork for the new world order. The MSM sees the writing
on the wall that even when the muslim's reign is over other un-American, radical, type fucks will be elected and they see no change to this in the foreseeable future.
They’re selling their souls now to be rewarded
later by being invited into the in-crowd! Yes,
they will be cool, they will have access to the
supreme ruler-in-charge, they will (willingly) do the regimes bidding and they will have wealth! Do they care what the consequence of their current substantial involvement in this will be to “we the people”? They don't give a shit! They know the regime doesn’t believe in individual rights or individual liberty; and they don’t have to worry, they’re quite comfortable with the regime’s version, which is more like: “ me the people”; after all it rhymes with “we”, right! Our media doesn’t care in the least that the regime is lying to the sheeple. They’ve witnessed how stupid the sheeple are and there are, in fact, a pathetic many of them that "really can’t" care for themselves. So, regarding this point, the media are probably somewhat sincere in their misguided conclusion that it’s best that the regime take care of them...but why "all of them", including us? That's about all I give them as far as sincerity goes, the fucks that they are: they know (and are suppressing it from the public) that the only way for the regime to afford their socialist/communist agenda is to tax the shit out of the same sub-herd of sheeple that, during the campaign, they promised to protect: the middle class! Hell, the regime even now, today, continually vows and promises to protect them. They have to keep reinforcing this. At this point, they still need the support of this biggest sub-herd of sheeple while they put the pieces in place (legislatively and by presidential directive) to fuck ‘em over royally later on down the road! Anybody with a fuckin clue should know that the Big Money is within the middle class and the regime is targeting it; they must. All this bullshit rhetoric, under the guise of protecting the middle class and imposing higher taxes on the rich, is just that, bullshit! This “taxing the rich/closing the loopholes” talking points you hear in every speech is just more shit that surely resonates with the sheeple; they hear the president say it, they hear it on the news, they hear their favorite celebrities saying it: it must be true! Yep, they be sayin “fuck the rich, those bastards, give it to us, we deserve some”! What the fuck kind of twisted and immoral political theology is this, whose goal is to keep the people ignorant and control every aspect of their life? Oh yeah, it’s the same kind of thinking that our forefathers fought to abolish!

They’re selling their souls now to be rewarded
later by being invited into the in-crowd! Yes,
they will be cool, they will have access to the
supreme ruler-in-charge, they will (willingly) do the regimes bidding and they will have wealth! Do they care what the consequence of their current substantial involvement in this will be to “we the people”? They don't give a shit! They know the regime doesn’t believe in individual rights or individual liberty; and they don’t have to worry, they’re quite comfortable with the regime’s version, which is more like: “ me the people”; after all it rhymes with “we”, right! Our media doesn’t care in the least that the regime is lying to the sheeple. They’ve witnessed how stupid the sheeple are and there are, in fact, a pathetic many of them that "really can’t" care for themselves. So, regarding this point, the media are probably somewhat sincere in their misguided conclusion that it’s best that the regime take care of them...but why "all of them", including us? That's about all I give them as far as sincerity goes, the fucks that they are: they know (and are suppressing it from the public) that the only way for the regime to afford their socialist/communist agenda is to tax the shit out of the same sub-herd of sheeple that, during the campaign, they promised to protect: the middle class! Hell, the regime even now, today, continually vows and promises to protect them. They have to keep reinforcing this. At this point, they still need the support of this biggest sub-herd of sheeple while they put the pieces in place (legislatively and by presidential directive) to fuck ‘em over royally later on down the road! Anybody with a fuckin clue should know that the Big Money is within the middle class and the regime is targeting it; they must. All this bullshit rhetoric, under the guise of protecting the middle class and imposing higher taxes on the rich, is just that, bullshit! This “taxing the rich/closing the loopholes” talking points you hear in every speech is just more shit that surely resonates with the sheeple; they hear the president say it, they hear it on the news, they hear their favorite celebrities saying it: it must be true! Yep, they be sayin “fuck the rich, those bastards, give it to us, we deserve some”! What the fuck kind of twisted and immoral political theology is this, whose goal is to keep the people ignorant and control every aspect of their life? Oh yeah, it’s the same kind of thinking that our forefathers fought to abolish!
this “tax the rich” farce couldn't even make a dent in the $16 trillion
national debt racked up by the Idiot-In-Chief (a debt which is multiplying
every minute since we are continuing this out of control spending of money We
Don’t Have). It's simple to prove that this is nothing but lip service to fool
the fools; There’s simply not enough of “the rich” out there! No matter how
much you tax the one percent, it’s still just taxing one percent, right). Even
if they took all the money from the rich, it wouldn't make a dent in helping us out of this mess.
The regime is not done yet, therefore, if the fucks stopped lying now, came clean, and said “hey idiots that
voted us in, we lied…”, there would still be time for the sheeple (with the
help of “we the people”) to realize they were duped and run to their
congressmen and senators. Hell, if that happened, with major mid-term elections
coming up in 2014, the democratic senators, would turn on "Barry the Kenyan" in a
heartbeat in order to save themselves; it’s all about having power, right? Yep,
if the ignorant masses became aware now, the shit would hit the fan! The regime
would lose its (now unwavering) support in the senate. So, the regime must keep
lying! Soon the sheeple will start to really feel the impact of things they're
unaware of: like when Obamacare costs start hitting them, when they realize
that other new taxes are imposed ON THEM too, when more presidential directives
are signed, and when unemployment spikes drastically from where it is
already.You see, the emperor’s new suit can't be revealed until after the 2014
mid-term elections are over. After that, if the Senate is retained and the
House is captured by the party of Reid the demented and Pelosi the insane, then
it's ballgame...all over! At that time the culmination of all “his” policies
will be implemented at blinding speed, the sheeple will feel it; hard, real
hard! But it will be too late. The regime will have them where they want them;
as completely dependent subordinates. Only then will sheeple realize that it
was all “pretend-caring” under the guise of “help” and the regime’s true end
goal was to be able to intrude into every aspect of their/our lives! Bye-bye
freedom, hello big brother! They'll pay the price, the highest price (and me
along with them), for voting for the promise of freebies/handouts/entitlements!
Shortly thereafter will be the demise of the middle class. What's left will be
the permanent political, elite class (along with their lackeys described above)
and the “rest of us”: an extreme analogy - hello Hunger Games!
still time to avoid the dooms day scenario described above; we have to find a
way to change course. If we don’t the
above is the inevitable outcome. The message has to be sent and received that
nobody wins in having a government that intrudes into every aspect of our
lives. The sheeple electorate must learn this, starting now and into the 2014
congressional elections or we are doomed. The machine is on a role and I don’t
know what the fuck can be done to stop it, other than to continue tellin it
like it is and try to get through to some of the wrong-minded, robot-like
" muslim in the white house supporters". It's so hard though, they
just seem to be unable to grasp either the truth, or the concept of right and
wrong. On a daily basis, I do make some kind of effort to interact with them.
I’m trying to help them "achieve awareness".
back to my hate: whether it’s directed at the politicians who fit the mold that
I’ve described, the MSM, or those few within the sheeple herd that can
coherently string more than a couple of sentences together and pass in society
as being intelligent; I invite you to hate them with me, it’s fun…and they make
it wicked easy! I can’t count the times from the beginning of the 2012
presidential campaign to today that I’ve witnessed public displays of complete
and obvious lies, lunacy, and hypocrisy. One major tenet of liberalism is
tolerance, right. They profess to be tolerant, they wear it like a badge and
maybe they are…that is until they run into someone who disagrees with anything
remotely related to their liberal “view” of the world - let's say me for
example! In the nation's political scene I've watched them get fucking crazy
and start viciously attacking those that have offended them (i.e., those they
are targeting); nothing off limits, not even their mothers, wives, daughters.
Hell, they’ll make up nasty shit just to take the spotlight off the fact that
“the enemy” totally and articulately refuted whatever bullshit was coming out
of their mouth at the time. That’s all they know how to do and they ALL do it.
How’s that for tolerance?
pretty obvious that I have strong political views; I've always been a fiscal
and constitutional conservative and always voted, but I was never this
consumed...never active until lately. I've witnessed how bad, wrong and twisted
things (and people) have become. I see that evil has become the norm...what's
always been good is now bad. I see idiot, evil, radical, left wing racists
(both African and White Americans) get airtime and profess that conservative
white America is racist; no examples, no proof, they just throw it out
there...on a daily basis! The media willingly gives them the stage and a
microphone and chimes in with support to these outlandish, insane diatribes!
It's fuckin unbelievable; I'll tell ya, if I was a regular liberal (meaning
only "leaned" left) in the democratic party, and there are many, my
take would be: 1) these idiot leftist racists spewing their hateful lies would
embarrass me...I wouldn't want them speaking for me; and 2) I would look at how
un-American and evil this regime and the democrats in congress have become and
I would bail; with my first priority being 2014 elections and to get as many
republicans in the senate as possible. Since it appears impossible that there
will ever be a push to impeach this treasonous pig; the most that can be hoped
for is the GOP capturing the senate and holding the house. It's the only way to
stifle the crazy shit that's been put in motion.
started my rants (that's what I call these posts) as a kind of therapy, a way
of easing the pain: you see my head started to hurt from bearing the burden of
being in the minority, along with those few others, who can see through all the
bullshit…I needed a way to stop the pounding by letting things out, easing the
pain, and making some room in there, it's not a cure, by any means; it's merely
a remedy and for the good of my health and well-being, it's necessary!
after day I see these fucks get called out (usually on FOX or by some of the
very many right-minded conservative websites) and presented with real factual
and irrefutable evidence regarding their deceit, lies and hypocrisy, and they
immediately go in “attack/ignore/attack” mode! First they attack, viciously,
and then they change the subject and/or find some kind of straw man argument,
no matter how unfounded, to attack whoever had “the nerve” to call them on
their bullshit. It’s fuckin bizarre; they really believe they have the right to
lie, be cruel, and immoral when it’s promoting “the cause”!
know, I’m sure there are some left wing, radical, progressives out there who
really believe in “the cause” and I’m not sure that I really hate them.
Disagree, certainly, but hate: I dunno! The fact is though, many of “them” are
those who pretend to have a cause and pretend to hate others (conservatives)
for something they believe or say; for the sole purpose of scoring political
points with the "most powerful" and to assist them in their goals of
obtaining or maintaining some power, being perceived as cool, and being on the
winning side. These kind of assholes come to mind: political consultants to the
DNC; the MSM (particularly those from
MSNBC and CNN)], Soros-funded left wing bloggers (wanna have a laugh, check out
the online shit at “media matters” an organization from which that stupid bitch
Soledad Obrien so often obtained her talking points, until CNN fired her; fired
from CNN, ha-ha!), Bill Maher and his audience, and 90 % of Hollywood. How
about Bill-fucking-Maher: do you believe some of the nasty shit he said about
Romney and his family? Oh, and talk about hypocrisy; these fucks all overlook
the sleazy, false, offensive, bullshit when it's one of their own kind slinging
it, yet they demand that you apologize for a meaningless cruel joke (aimed at
no one in particular) if they (conveniently) perceive that it even remotely
relates in an adverse way to the sacred liberal “view”! In my world “hypocrisy”
is a bad word and “outing” a hypocrite publicly was embarrassing. But now, they
know they’re protected and it’s accepted! There’s also a growing, acceptable
intolerance by the so called ‘tolerant” for the things (like the constitution)
that made America the greatest fuckin country in the world. The fuckin guy in
the president suit sends his anti-American vibe out and half of the country
embraces it as their view too...what the fuck! I remember the good old days
when liberals were at least American...we never worried about that; until now.
the wrong minded half-wits want change, I get it, but when did it become
required to "today" trash all aspects of the rightness that is the
history of how our great nation came to be....especially when I don't, at all,
believe that B.O. (before Obama) many of these same people embraced such
radical, immoral nonsense. You see, they weren't radicals yesterday, but they
are today; these days "radical" is the most accepted of liberal
flavors. And how 'bout Hollywood...I truly ALWAYS had a feeling that, for the
most part, people who practice “fake” every day of their lives for a living
must lose some, if not all, of their identity and become what they do. That
view stems from my sickening realization that they rarely marry for love, but
rather for power/image/status/wealth. Now I have another reason to despise the
liberal Tinsel Town folk....these phony pieces of "shit", who, by the
way, truly believe they don’t "stink", used to be THE biggest
anti-establishment voice that was perceived as legitimate. Now they wear their
hypocrisy for all to see...now, THEY are preaching that a movie that shows
"authorized", lawful government "torture" is viewed, by
them, as glorifying torture and they're disgusted and offended by it...it's bad
"now"...only now...not before...just now; fuckin libocrites! They are
adamant that Zero Dark Thirty is a movie glorifying torture and is therefore
disgusting and offensive. Yet they didn't even come up with that wacky position
on their own. The regime's Minister of Asinine Policy of the Day came up with
it and the Hollywood (blind) faithful heeded the call and joined in. Well let
me say this to those integrity deficient fucks: how about; the Hostel movies,
all the Saw movies (isn't there like fuckin 8 of them), Passion of the Christ,
Reservoir Dogs, An American Crime, all Rob Zombie movies, Brazil, A Clockwork
Orange, Unthinkable (with that piece of shit leftist actor Samuel L, who’s one
of the biggest liberal, racist dicks in Hollywood right now), Bridge on the fuckin
River Kwai, Schindler's List, Pulp Fiction (Samuel L again), Marathon Man -is
it safe? I could go on and on. Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it you
entertainers! I think torture movies are great; they're a genre in and of
themselves...quite popular. BUT no torture movies are good today and they
especially suck if the tortured in the movie happen to be muslim, not even if
its a REAL BAD muslim. If it portrays a muslim being tortured it's insensitive
and racist! Yet, there's nothing wrong with the movies that I mentioned...since
it's pretty much whitey in those flicks getting tortured and murdered. Well, I
call bullshit on that!!! How do people like that even look in the
mirror...fuckin douche canoe retards. They make me wanna splash hydrochloric acid
in their faces...yep, pour it right on their money maker...hey Samuel L, good
luck getting that next movie with your hideous, now almost white-but not quite,
scarred and burnt up face!
wanna say some more about the media protection: with the MSM protecting this regime
24-7; they really act like they're cool and they have absolutely no use for a
conscience or guilt, that's for the un-cool! They're so untouchable, you can
actually see the arrogance on their smug faces...boy I wanna smack some of
those faces: like Mossechelles; I hate that ugly pig faced bitch! The trouble
is that based on my definition of cool; they ain’t! Dean Martin was cool,
Steven Tyler is cool, and I’m kinda cool! Their definition of cool is, as Greg
Gutfeld put it: “mass popularity without much, or any, specific achievement” or
something like that. It's how “his highness” got elected. Ask anyone who voted
for him, "Why did you do it?" and the convoluted, glassy-eyed answer
that drones out of their mouth is something like: "He's cool, I can
relate." The MSM’s "version" of the characters of both
candidates was pushed to the hilt (Mr. Obama, good guy for the people and Mitt,
only care's about the rich); and all of the sheeple and much of the rest of the
public bought it! The message of what the communist candidate would give them
was another cool reason to vote for the lying fuck. You see, the government
giving stuff away is cool and perceived as philanthropic. The problem is that
it’s other people’s stuff: yours and mine, and we're assholes for wanting to
keep it....really, that's what they believe!
frightens the shit out of me now (as well as pisses me off - of course) is that
all this “wrong-thinking”, dangerous, un-American philosophy has infiltrated
our schools: yes my fucking tax dollars are being spent on promoting something
that I vehemently disagree with and know is wrong: the indoctrination of our
kids into radical, liberal, philosophies and revisionist history! How can what
amounts to brainwashing kids not be seen as wrong? And how the fuck does it
even happen and why the fuck is it that only a few even realize that it's
you agree with the message included in this rant, think it’s bullshit, don’t
give a fuck, or just don’t understand, doesn’t really matter to me. But I’ll
tell you one thing; down the road, when things are as fucked as fucked can be,
even though me saying “I told you so” won’t mean a fuckin thing then and won’t
change what has happened: I’m not above saying it; at all!
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