Thursday, July 4, 2013

WHY WOULD A LEADER WILLINGLY LEAD A COUNTRY INTO ECONOMIC COLLAPSE…a leader wouldn't, but we're talking about Obama here

How Iceland’s president averted an economic crisis 

Wow, what a "leader"; we used to have those in this country.

So, how is it that we have to learn economics 101 from Iceland! No, wait a minute, we haven't learned anything; we handled the same (but on a much larger scale) issue in a most incorrect and improper manner! As with any substantial issue confronted by this Administration and Senate, consistent with their misguided liberal ideology, tough issues that require immediate decisions are disposed of through ideological filters; for example, the criteria for "how bad for the country is not credibly dealing with this economic crisis" (if it's even considered at all) must be weighted far lower than the criteria "how bad is this for the regime if we do credibly deal with it". If it weren’t, we would have seen bipartisan policies put in place to swiftly mitigate the resulting adverse impacts that WILL be realized when the bubble bursts; rather than the Administrations “here’s the economic direction we want to go in, no negotiation” approach. This approach was to continue spending and adding to the already irresponsible deficit without any compromise at all. Fiscally, responsible majority republicans in the House had no choice but to oppose. So just like any other big issue requiring leadership by this regime, the outcome tends to always be: "let's put temporary “remedies” in place so the hurt isn't felt yet (i.e., bail outs, pump more money into the economy, increase our crazy spending of money we don't have, etc) and let future generations clean up the big mess (which will have exponentially more severe ramifications the longer this is drawn out). I call their approach, the "Duct Tape Principal of Political Thinking Theory". They pretend to fix things, but they only prolong the pain. And they know this! Their rationale is twofold: 
1) they know all too well that “if we tackle the real problem now (even though in doing so, the country will suffer much ‘less’ consequences), we'll expose ourselves as the liars we are and even the sheeple that voted us in will realize that our critics were correct in their accusations that we caused this whole mess and our ideologically (over)influenced policies only exacerbated the problem". We won't have cover anymore and once the people know, even the MSM will have to turn on us" and consistent with instituting what they call “remedies” which, in fact, world economic experts are telling us that the approach being taken are leading the country to an inevitable economic collapse;

2) their vision, goals, and motives are consistent with the economic crisis worsening into collapse. With that kind of environment, all options are open to get the country back on track and when the government starts seizing assets, telling people that their hard earned retirement benefits are no longer there, etc.; chances are good there will be civil unrest. Civil unrest is something this Administration would love to see happen. Once marshal law is established, it’s the beginning of the end for this great country of ours. What follows is: citizens become completely dependent on the government; government and big business and banking enter into a different relationship; the MSM “officially” becomes state run; new media becomes outlawed; the remaining rich are invited into the new political/elite class; and we the people end up the “other” class (there is no more middle class – our money was taken for common good)

You know they’re not stupid, they know that history shows us that such an approach has never succeeded; but we have this megalomaniacal, twisted faux president who really thinks he’s the one that can do it.

The power hungry, ideologically twisted, lying, hypocritical, zealots of this Administration and their lackeys in both the MSM and Hollywood are very, very different from me. That difference is a direct result of having a mind of my own, intelligence, common sense, and a soul! I'm not an angel by any means; but I don't claim to be. I do, however, claim to have moral fiber (i.e., knowledge that there's only one definition of right/wrong and good/evil; it has no latitude, no what ifs, and its meaning applies equally the same to me as it does to “anybody”); I do claim to be honest; I do claim to treat "real" people with respect (caveat: not these mean, evil thugs and the ignorant sheeple that voted them in, they do not count; this is war, they started it); I do claim that when I share something with you and tell you I'm sincere, it "is" sincere (not filtered by any ideology or hidden motive); I do claim that no one ever can accuse me of being hypocritical on anything, it's just not gonna happen; I do claim to be intelligent; I do claim to "know" what's in the U.S. Constitution and what it means; I do claim to be a patriot; I do claim to know what the definition of a traitor is; and I do claim that, right now, today, there are traitors in the U.S. government (if anyone has trouble finding them just start at the top and follow the trail of lies and deceit). 

In closing, let me leave you with this. The evil, elitist, fucks that I'm vetting here would read this and consider me to be not only "dead wrong", but also inferior. You see they're wired completely different and reach their conclusions based on twisted criteria and associated illogic. Anyone not on their side is viewed as inferior; since they are convinced that their views are the correct views.. Note that I said “they are convinced they are 'correct' ”; I didn’t include “good” in this description because they have no delusions that they’re “good”: good doesn’t enter into the equation when describing their plans to do their version of the “correct thing” for this country. The definition of the correct thing, however, is to completely change the country from the principles on which it was founded. Their twisted, irrational views actually dictate that this is necessary! One outcome of not addressing our economic crisis at this time could very well mean the collapse of the dollar; if they are successful and that does, in fact, happen...they're one step closer to a totalitarian type of rule that they desire! Many of us will not sit back and let it happen and many of us will end up dead by our own and because of our own. Who ever thought that this country would have been taken down from within; certainly not me.

These fucks shouldn't, by any means, confuse the honesty and morality of right-minded people, who choose to call them on what they truly are, as a weakness. Knowing that they do, however, provides myself and other right-minded people an advantage. If you've ever had to "take the high road", then you know that it's a lonely road indeed, but: what a view! You see everything from up one can hide!

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