Why is it that we, who see through the bullshit and recognize that we are witness to the craziest fuckin political madness in the history of this country, are a minority? Under the direction of the un-American they elected to office; you know, the muslim who puts on the president costume every day: we’re actually experiencing the progressive, radical, liberal efforts to strip away our individual freedom and to control the lives of “their” citizens (us) from cradle to grave...and they tell us they’re doing it for the “greater good”; because that they know what’s best for us…just ask and, with a straight face, they’ll tell you that! They’ve come to rescue us from what must be our “troubled” lives and tell us all the troubles will go away when we let them take responsibility for us.
It’s absolutely fuckin mind boggling how they go about it and what the characteristics of their agenda encompass. It makes any rational individual wonder how an intelligent, caring political “leader” in America could actually believe in such an evil scheme. The answer is a caring leader could not and would not. These types are not caring at all; that would entail goodness, kindness, and morality. The muslim, not born of this country, is the opposite; he’s evil, racist, vindictive, narcissistic, and surely suffers from a mental illness of some sort! He’s just not of sound mind! However, he is intelligent. He is more than capable in what he knows best; which is not “leading” by the way…he hasn’t done any of that in the past five years. What he’s very good at is organizing the ignorant and depraved masses and dividing and conquering them to reach his goals, not the goals he advertises (fairness, equality, etc) but the goals he holds close, all of which revolve around power and control! His hatred of this country and of white America is well documented and he is working to change the face of the nation such that the racial and social divisions that he has orchestrated become so severe, that the only alternative to prevent widespread unrest is for the government to step in…and when martial law is established, “we the people” don’t have a say for how long it remains. As a matter of fact, if they go that far; it's easier to go further than to go back!
The radical liberal agenda sends a clear message to the masses recommending denial of personal responsibility; encouraging self-pity as well as pitying thy neighbor…which promotes feeling obligated to receive free stuff; promoting sexual indulgence; rationalizing violence; always finding a way to sympathize with the perpetrators of violent crime while virtually ignoring the victims, excusing financial obligation (owed to anyone but them); justifying theft…it was a terrible home environment and poverty that made them steal…society is at fault; ignoring rudeness…they’ve been so deprived, they deserve to be rude; promoting blame (especially on those that have more); denigrating marriage and the family; legalizing all abortion; defying religious and social tradition (including social groups).
You might ask “but why promote these perverted characteristics; how does it serve their purpose?” The answer is quite simple: the masses with morals and independent thought = trouble for a wanna-be tyrant! All of this appeals very much to our base nature, so it logically follows that for the multitude of weak minded, not-so-well off, lower class; it’s appealing to be able to act as if you have earned to be taken care of and actually get rewarded. However, it’s also appealing to criminals, deviants, and the mentally unstable. Nothing like the government sending out a message to them that hitting the streets and victimizing innocent people isn’t as risky as it was when our society was more civilized; there’s a level of tolerance now!
Through the enticement of entitlements: unearned goods, services and social status; the radical, liberal politician promises to ensure everyone’s material welfare, provide for everyone’s healthcare, protect everyone’s self-esteem, correct everyone’s social and political disadvantage, educate every citizen, and eliminate all class distinctions. But, the only way to achieve this is to obviously take from those who produced and earned all of their lives and give it to the ones they taught (quite easily) to embrace all of the above bullshit. Both in laying the groundwork (now) for this new fauxtopia and when it’s first instituted, those of us who have produced all their lives are the enemy!
Thus, radical liberalism is nothing more than an assault on the foundations of civilized freedom. Given its irrational goals, coercive methods, its perverse effects on society as a whole and each individual citizen (destruction of the human soul and psyche leaving a shell empty of both morals and values), not to mention the historical failures each and every time it’s been attempted; there can be no question regarding the complete madness of the radical, liberal agenda. Only an irrational agenda would advocate the systematic destruction of the foundations on which liberty depends.
Only an irrational individual would want the state to run his life for him rather than create secure conditions in which he can run his own life. That’s precisely why one of the characteristics of a radical regime is “indoctrination”…done successfully, the individual doesn’t see his world as irrational!
Only an irrational agenda would deliberately undermine its citizens’ growth to competence and essentially strip away their humanity, all so the state can be their caretakers controlling every aspect of their lives.
Only irrational thinking would trade individual liberty for government coercion, sacrificing the pride of self-reliance for welfare dependency.
…and only a fucking madman would look at a community of free people cooperating by choice and want to change it into a society of irrational and exploited victims.
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